Vonics Incorporated

Vonics Incorporated Business Plan



Avear Glen Leavitt








Executive Summary

Legal Business Description

Mission Statement

Products & Services

Vonics Project

The Technology

Market Environment

Anticipated Market Acceptance

Anticipated Retail Marketing

Marketing and Sales Strategy

Accredited Personnel

Management and Ownership

Capitol Requested

Financial Statements and Projections

Facility and Operations

Sources of Supply


The company’s mission is to design, develop, test, manufacture, license and distribute technologies of fuel delivery systems that utterly reduce exhaust emissions and greatly enhance the fuel mileage of internal combustion engines.  Our technology works in concert with all the green technologies already developed.

With market rollout, the Vonics project will demonstrate fuel mileage improvements to exceed 200% efficiencies. The Vonics project will represent the largest single advance in fuel delivery systems since the introduction of fuel injection.

As a standard design feature, fuel delivery systems have supplied liquid fuel and system/ambient temperature to either fuel injection systems, or with older vehicles, to aspirated carburetion. The Vonics design was to stop the historic process of engineering system devices to reduce and control combustion efficiencies after the fact. Exhaust gas sensors are in use to monitor levels of oxygen, which in turn are related to conditions of fuel richness or leanness.

On March 2, 1859 Jean Joseph Lenoir invents the combustion engine. In 1877 Julius Hock invents first engine that can run off of liquid gasoline. In 1896 Fredrick Lanchester starts putting carburetors on internal combustion engines. This invention was typical on cars until about 1980 when direct injected car became popular. Fuel injection replaced carburetors about 1987.

Now almost all cars that use gasoline or diesel fuels have fuel injection systems. All internal combustion engines that use gasoline or diesel fuel still have the basic error that was started in 1896, liquid fuel does not burn, it never has and it never will!

Currently engineers and car manufacturing companies have tried to solve the problem of unburnt fuel, exhaust gases, and emissions after the combustion. Catalytic converters are installed to collect unburnt fuel, and then convert harmful pollutants into less harmful emissions by re-burning the unburnt fuel before they leave the car's­ exhaust system.

The archaic and ineffective advances to fuel delivery systems over the past decades have not varied from the proposition of supplying liquid fuels, inadequate combustion, and engineering modifications associated with efficiencies after combustion.  These theories and concepts have failed grossly; they are inadequate, out-dated, and ineffective. These fuel systems destroy the engines, the environment, the economy, and our health. It is time for the “solution to the pollution”.

In various laboratory and controlled field tests, the Vonics project technology has been shown to significantly increase fuel mileage and reduce harmful exhaust emissions. The projected financial benefits of lower vehicle maintenance costs and extended engine life will save thousands of dollars in engine repairs and vehicle transportation expenses. 

It is the purpose of the Vonics project to produce the optimum properties and parameters for our fuel delivery systems. In so doing, the resultant combustion efficiencies will at least double fuel mileage and will reduce exhaust emissions and particulates to lowest standards ever, thus minimizing our carbon footprint from internal combustion engines to new records.

These properties and parameters will require the current theories and concepts in gasoline and diesel fuel systems to be replaced by a revolutionary, multiple-fuel, high-fuel-mileage, optimum pollution controlled fuel delivery system.

Vonics technology will offer a practical, affordable, scientific solution to the following: rising fuel cost, America’s reducing Americas’ carbon-foot print, the deteriorating ozone, global warming, dangerous air qualities, dependence on foreign oil, and wars over oil.

Vonics Incorporated will introduce its technology to over-the-road vehicles markets to include the diesel truck market. Market interest in such a technology is expected to intensify immediately upon release. Vonics will continue to develop a fuel delivery system that maintains levels of performance never before achieved with a fuel delivery system. Continued testing of all application of the Vonics technologies will be manifested in test results and supported with detailed scientific documentation.

Legal Business Description

Vonics Inc is structured as a Corporation, with legal location at 1162 W. Center St. Springville Utah, 84663, Vivian Louisiana, Klamath Falls Oregon and Lakeview Oregon. Testing and production sites to be determined.

Vonics Incorporated’s Mission Statements:

Vonics Incorporated mission: is to patent, develop, design, test, manufacture, license and distribute technologies for the internal combustion engines’ fuel delivery systems that greatly reduce exhaust emissions and tremendously enhance the fuel mileage.

Vonics Incorporated has coined the phrase “We have the solution to the pollution”

Vonics Incorporated has the network to deliver its product to the global market.

It’s clear that to preserve the planet for our children and grandchildren, we need to without delay take calculated scientific action to correct the current global terraforming projections.

There is no question whether technological innovation is necessary it is.  The question is; When and by whom and to what degree should policy explicitly focus on and collaborate to motivating such innovation?

Products and Services

The proposed Business Activities plan will encompass five stages:

1.      Gasoline technology certification

2.      Diesel technology certification

3.      Market introduction

4.      Market roll out

5.      Market consolidation

Projected results of the Vonics project “clean air” include but are not limited to:

            A significant reduction of tailpipe emissions

            A comprehensive new “clean air” solution for diesels and gasoline powered engines

            Reduction in fuel consumption and costs

            Lower buildup of carbon and other foreign matter in engines

            Significant reduction in engine war   

            Significant extension of vehicle maintenance cycle

Upon completion of the certification requirements for gasoline and diesel technology stages, the Company will enter the Market Rollout Stage. The Market Rollout is expected to generate a high volume of both national and international markets.


Vonics Project


On March 2, 1859 Jean Joseph Lenoir invents the combustion engine. In 1877 Julius Hock invents first engine that can run off of liquid gasoline. In 1896 Fredrick Lanchester starts putting carburetors on internal combustion engines. This invention was typical on cars until about 1980 when direct injected car became popular. Fuel injection replaced carburetors about 1987. Since 1896 all auto, diesel and marine manufactures have been trying to make great improvements on the wrong concept. Liquid fuel does not burn completely, it never has and it never will.

Motor fuel is obtained from crude oil produced predominantly by the decay of marine organisms. It therefore contains the elements carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O) and nitrogen (N), along with some amounts of sulfur (S), all of which are found in protein. Motor fuel contains hydrocarbons and organic compounds containing nitrogen and sulfur. Much of the hydrocarbon fuel passes through the process unconsumed and is expelled into the atmosphere along with other exhaust fumes. Environmental groups such as 350.org and climate scientists argue that CO2 levels must be lowered to 350 ppm in order to avoid the worst future effects of global warming. The main source of CO in cities is the internal combustion engine, where it is produced by incomplete combustion.

Vonics Incorporated will continue to develop and market fuel delivery systems that will set the standard for levels of performance never before achieved with today’s fuel delivery system. Continued development and testing of all the applications of Vonics Incorporated technologies will be manifested in patents, test results and authenticated with detailed scientific documentation.




The Problem

As a standard design feature, fuel delivery systems have supplied liquid fuel to either fuel injection systems, or with older vehicles, to aspirated carburetion always resulting in incomplete combustion. These are the results of their expert knowledge

The archaic and ineffective advances to fuel delivery systems over the past decades have not varied from the proposition of supplying liquid fuels, inadequate combustion, and engineering modifications associated with efficiencies after combustion.

 All internal combustion engines that use gasoline or diesel fuel still have the basic error that was started in 1896. Now almost all cars that use gasoline or diesel fuels have fuel injection systems.

Currently engineers and car manufacturing companies have tried to solve the problem of unburnt fuel, exhaust gases, and emissions after the combustion. Catalytic converters are installed to collect unburnt fuel, and then convert harmful pollutants into less harmful emissions by re-burning the unburnt fuel before they leave the car's­ exhaust system.

These theories and concepts have failed grossly; they are inadequate, out-dated, and ineffective. These fuel systems destroy the engines, the environment, the economy, and our health. It is time for the “solution to the pollution”. These properties, conditions and parameters will require the current theories and concepts in gasoline and diesel fuel systems to be replaced by a revolutionary, multiple-fuel, ultra-high-fuel-mileage, optimum pollution controlled, fuel delivery system.

These theories and concepts have failed grossly; they are inadequate, out-dated, and ineffective. These fuel systems destroy the engines, the environment, the economy, and our health. It is time for the “solution to the pollution”. These properties, conditions and parameters will require the current theories and concepts in gasoline and diesel fuel systems to be replaced by a revolutionary, multiple-fuel, ultra-high-fuel-mileage, optimum pollution controlled, fuel delivery system.

Liquid fuel does not burn, it never has and it never will and here is the proof.

Significance of the Study

With worldwide fuel consumption rates continuing to increase while engine fuel delivery systems are unable to develop new engineering techniques of meeting the potential shortage of fuel in the near future. The significance of the study will show the maximum combustion efficiency of fuels for internal combustion engine and decreased emissions.


New Research and Development will incorporate engineering techniques to equip internal combustion engines with a fuel delivery system that will meet and/or exceed current levels of Corporate Average Fuel Economy {CAFÉ} standards.


Vonics Inc. will begin the manufacturing and retrofitting of engines for the purpose of establishing performance data as measured for fuel consumption and exhaust gas pollutants. 

Pollutants from internal combustion engine exhaust include:

CO carbon monoxide.  

NOx — oxides of nitrogen.  

HC — hydrocarbons.

C6H6 — Benzene and its derivatives.

 SO2 — sulphur dioxide

 Acid rain also mobilizes toxic aluminum ions.




Photochemical smog

Emissions from car exhaust account for about 60% of ozone

Smog in cities

The Solution:

Use cleaner engines

 Many modern cars are designed to be more fuel-efficient and less pollutant. Less pollutant cars will cost more.  The Vonics Incorporated designs and theories will stop the historic processes of engineering system devices to reduce and control combustion efficiencies after the fact. Exhaust gas sensors are in use to monitor levels of oxygen, which in turn are related to conditions of fuel richness or leanness. The Vonics Incorporated project “clean air” will represent the largest single advance in fuel delivery systems. Government Agencies are considering giving tax credits to make this type of car affordable to purchase. The greater the efficiency of the engines the less environmental damage caused by fuel production, delivery and consumption.

Vonics Incorporated technologies will offer a practical, affordable, scientific solution to the following critical problems: rising fuel cost, America’s increasing demand for foreign oil, dangerous air qualities, global warming, and wars over foreign oil while drastically decreasing the world’s internal combustion engines carbon-foot print and repairing the deteriorating ozone.

We will advocate with other green technologies to reduce the global carbon footprint.


The Technology:

It is Vonics Incorporated’s "clean air" project that will produce the optimum properties and prime parameters for our fuel delivery systems. In so doing, the resultant combustion efficiencies that will double fuel mileage and will reduce exhaust emissions and particulates to lowest standards ever, thus minimizing the carbon footprint from internal combustion engines to new world records. These properties and parameters will require the current theories and concepts in gasoline and diesel fuel systems to be replaced by a revolutionary high-mileage, pollution controlled fuel delivery system.

 Justification This technology will incorporate new techniques to equip a gasoline or diesel internal combustion engine with a fuel delivery system that will exceed current levels of Corporate Average Fuel Economy {CAFÉ} standards by 100%. The Vonics Incorporated technology uses a precise and carefully designed method to produce the prime conditions for the pre-combustion fuel. Safety was the first conditions and factors to be designed in to the system. The second condition was to reduce emissions from the unburnt fuel. The third condition was to double the fuel efficiency to increase m.p.g.  All of Vonics Incorporated technologies will be patented, documented and substantiated with empirical data. The exact design details, formulas and data are “proprietor” and “classified.

Market Environment

While internal combustion engines have many roles and appear in many guises, the application which has the most effect on the urban environment is almost certainly that of transport, particularly private transport.

Analysis The number of vehicles in operation worldwide surpassed the 1 billion-unit mark in 2010 for the first time ever.

With over 70,000,000 new vehicles being manufactured next year there will always be a market for this technology. According to research, which looked at government-reported registrations and historical vehicle-population trends, global registrations jumped from 980 million units in 2009 to 1.015 billion in 2010.

The figures reflect the approximate number of cars, light-, medium- and heavy-duty trucks and buses registered worldwide, but that does not include off-road and heavy-duty vehicles.

The 3.6% rise in vehicle population was the largest percentage increase since 2000, while the 35.6 million year-to-year unit increase was the second-biggest increase in overall volume ever.

The market explosion in China played a major role in overall vehicle population growth in 2010, with registrations jumping 27.5%. Total vehicles, in operation in the country climbed by more than 16.8 million units, to slightly more than 78 million, accounting for nearly half the year’s global increase.

The leap in registrations gave China the world’s second-largest vehicle population, pushing it ahead of Japan, with 73.9 million units, for the first time.

India’s vehicle population underwent the second-largest growth rate, up 8.9% to 20.8 million units, compared with 19.1 million in 2009.

Brazil experienced the second largest volume increase after China, with 2.5 million additional vehicle registrations in 2010

General Market Preview for the Vonics Project “clean air”:

Of the total American fleet presently on the road, 66.4% are passenger cars and 33.6% are commercial vehicles. In recent years, that distinction has change significantly. The change in purchasing habits has been driven by the recent popularity of sport utility and recreation vehicles. The North American fleet is presently classified as “light vehicles”- over 300,000,000 light vehicle units on the road.

Commercial fleets in the U.S. and operate more than 8 million trucks.

Truck owners fall into two categories: for-hire and private fleets.

As an example of heavy particulate oxide emissions the following categories contribute to poor air quality.

Off-highway equipment-diesel           50.3%

Heavy-Duty trucks/buses                    27.2%

Cars and light duty trucks-gasoline    14.6%

Off-highway equipment-gasoline       6.5%

Heavy duty trucks/buses-gasoline       1.4%

Anticipated Market Acceptance

The entire world has been waiting for this technology to be brought forth therefore market acceptance will be eager and overwhelming. With worldwide fuel consumption rates that are continuing to increase and engine designers unable to develop engineering techniques to meet the potential shortage of fuel in the near future. The significance of this technology will show the maximum combustion efficiency of fuels for the internal combustion engine and the significant reduction in exhaust emissions.

Vonics Incorporated technologies will include the following: 70,000,000 new car, new light truck, new light-duty vehicles, new commercial light truck, new stock commercial light truck, new freight truck, new boats new R.V.s, new off road vehicles, new buses, new rail, new shipping vesicles, new military vehicles as well as retro-fitting over 1,000,000,000 existing vehicles. .   Commercial, Industrial ships Marine applications now number over 1,000,000.

Market and production interest in such a technology is expected to intensify immediately upon release.  The projected financial benefits of lower fuel consumption, lower vehicle maintenance costs and extended engine life will save thousands of dollars in engine repairs and vehicle transportation expenses.  

United States Department of Defense, second request for documentation and empirical data.

Federal Government requested a proposal to convert their complete fleet.

Fleet trucking companies, received signed contracts/agreements to start converting retro applications.

Automotive Corporations, engaging negotiations for retrofitting and new market applications

Bus lines, engaging

Locomotive Corporations/ engaging for procurement of engines

International Corporations/ They are waiting to start negotiations on documentation and empirical data.

Commercial Trucking Companies/ They are waiting to start negotiations on documentation and empirical data.

Automotive Corporations, engaging negotiations for new market applications

Military applications.

Anticipated Retail Marketing

 Vonics Incorporated Dealerships will retro-fit existing vehicles. Vonics Incorporated-Dealerships will be the only Dealerships authorized to distribute Vonics Incorporated fuel systems to the public.

Automotive Corporations will most likely engage their own engineering staff immediately and determine the impact associated with their product design and application.

All vehicle manufacturers are facing the mandates of increased fuel efficiency and reduced emissions.

The timing of the release of Vonics Incorporated’s technology will undoubtedly cause the major manufactures, both domestic and foreign to collaborate with Vonics Incorporated’s “Project Clean Air” with upmost priority. 




Market Strategy

Identify product merit to consumers

            Product claims

            Product appeal to customers

            Product visual appeal study

Identify Product Value

            Can the product perform in its desired market?

            Can the product provide a solution to the problem?

            Can the product be produced economically so as to be able to be affordable to the consumers?

Marketing outline

1.      Product Research  and Development

1.      Is the product protected?

2.      Is the product fully developed?

3.      Does the product surpass all requirements for “new apparatus”?

4.      Are the benefits of the product obvious?

5.      Is the product reasonable priced?

6.      AIs the product easy to distribute?

7.      Is the product unique?

8.      Does the product have value of at least 3 times the manufactured costs?


2.      Placing into Motion Production  and Distribution

1.      Is the product protected? Patents, Trademarks, Service mark, Copyrights for American and International Markets? (World Patents, Trademarks, Service mark, Copyrights). China?

2.      Is the product fully developed? Vonics Incorporated Analysis’s Team (inventor, engineers, marketers, and financial advisors) will evaluate the technologies fully and completely. Vonics Incorporated Analysis’s Team will provide complete scientific documentation of the following, the six GHGs covered by the Kyoto protocol are: 

1.      Carbon dioxide (CO2)

2.      Methane (CH4)

3.      Nitrous oxide (N2O)

4.      Hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs)

5.      Per fluorocarbons (PFCs)

6.      Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)3.

3.       Does the product surpass all requirements for “new apparatus”?

1.      Have all the Safety requirements been satisfied and has the apparatus surpassed all standards, procedures, certifications, tests and documentations.

4.      How does the product perform as stated? What are the emissions, what are the efficiency levels? How long will it last?

5.      What is the value of the product? What are the savings for 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years and 25 years?

6.      Can we get the product to the public? Yes, as soon as they want it, no!  We will not be able to keep up with the demand for the product. If we control only 10% of the market we will be busy for many years. We may have to allow a” limited patent use to get the technology available to more people. Plus we have the military applications which will be our long term contracts.

7.      Is the product unique? Yes and the demands for it are also unique. We will not have any competition when we first release the fuel system to the public. 

8.      Does the product have value of at least 3 times the manufactured costs? Yes it is designed to last 25 years. With the price of gas 11/24/2019 about $3.21 per gal., driving 15,000 miles per year. The product will pay for itself in 2.2 years; the remaining 23 years are saving returned to the costumer. Our fuel system will save the costumer approximately $1,605 per year, times that by 23 years and we have saved the costumer $40,125.00 dollars over the life of the fuel system! With the price of diesel 12-6-12 $3.43 per gal., An O.T.R. driving 120,000 mile per year. The “over the road driver” will save @ 24,000.00 dollars per year. The product will pay for itself in 2.0833 years; the remaining 22.9176  years will save the operator over $550,000.00 U.S.D.in the life of the fuel system!

Accredited Personnel




Consultant and specialist will be acquired as needed.



Management and Ownership




President/CEO/ Lead Scientist

Address 1:

958 South G Street

City, State, Zip:

Lakeview Oregon.97630







Address 1:

902 E. 800 S.

City, State, Zip:









Address 1:

1162 W. CENTER ST.

City, State, Zip:








Address 1:

1162 W. CENTER ST.

City, State, Zip:


Title:                             Executive Secretary To Avear Glen Leavitt


Address 1:                  


City, State, Zip:        


Financial Statements and Projections     -insert pro-forma-

Facility and Operations

The primary site for business office is in Springville Utah. Klamath Falls Oregon and Lakeview Oregon this is where the final testing, documentation and certification will take place This location will have space available for expansion. The first stage of production will require 200,000 sq. Ft.; the second stage will have 400,000 sq. Ft. And the third stage will require 600.000 sq. Ft. The Department of Defense, Department of Energy have expressed grant support.

All codes current.




We will provide strategic designs that are fast, flexible, and efficient manufacturing processes that connect supply chain to factory processes, production equipment, and production systems in a seamless, customer-centric network.  Areas of focus will include: Network configuration, Capital productivity, Make or buy strategies. We will design our plant networks to help improve our return on invested capital (ROIC) through reduced cost, increased efficiency, and enhanced growth opportunities. Purchasing is often the most significant and easily instituted source of immediate and long-term value creation available to a corporation.


Sources of Supply

All of our venders and suppliers are National Corporations and ISO 9000 certified. We will overcome typical supply chain challenges, how to cope with demand and supply uncertainty, how to build and optimize the supply chain organization, and which supply chain planning and control strategies to employ. We will optimize the complete system with both lean production and planning approaches. Viewing market and customer service level requirements as a key driver of supply chain design, we work with marketing and sales, distribution channels, and pricing strategies.



Capitol Requested

$3,000,000,000.00 U.S.D.

c.s. Department of Defense

c.s. Department of Energy


























 Vonics Incorporated

Vonics Incorporated Business Plan



Avear Glen Leavitt








Executive Summary

Legal Business Description

Mission Statement

Products & Services

Vonics Project

The Technology

Market Environment

Anticipated Market Acceptance

Anticipated Retail Marketing

Marketing and Sales Strategy

Accredited Personnel

Management and Ownership

Capitol Requested

Financial Statements and Projections

Facility and Operations

Sources of Supply


The company’s mission is to design, develop, test, manufacture, license and distribute technologies of fuel delivery systems that utterly reduce exhaust emissions and greatly enhance the fuel mileage of internal combustion engines.  Our technology works in concert with all the green technologies already developed.

With market rollout, the Vonics project will demonstrate fuel mileage improvements to exceed 200% efficiencies. The Vonics project will represent the largest single advance in fuel delivery systems since the introduction of fuel injection.

As a standard design feature, fuel delivery systems have supplied liquid fuel and system/ambient temperature to either fuel injection systems, or with older vehicles, to aspirated carburetion. The Vonics design was to stop the historic process of engineering system devices to reduce and control combustion efficiencies after the fact. Exhaust gas sensors are in use to monitor levels of oxygen, which in turn are related to conditions of fuel richness or leanness.

On March 2, 1859 Jean Joseph Lenoir invents the combustion engine. In 1877 Julius Hock invents first engine that can run off of liquid gasoline. In 1896 Fredrick Lanchester starts putting carburetors on internal combustion engines. This invention was typical on cars until about 1980 when direct injected car became popular. Fuel injection replaced carburetors about 1987.

Now almost all cars that use gasoline or diesel fuels have fuel injection systems. All internal combustion engines that use gasoline or diesel fuel still have the basic error that was started in 1896, liquid fuel does not burn, it never has and it never will!

Currently engineers and car manufacturing companies have tried to solve the problem of unburnt fuel, exhaust gases, and emissions after the combustion. Catalytic converters are installed to collect unburnt fuel, and then convert harmful pollutants into less harmful emissions by re-burning the unburnt fuel before they leave the car's­ exhaust system.

The archaic and ineffective advances to fuel delivery systems over the past decades have not varied from the proposition of supplying liquid fuels, inadequate combustion, and engineering modifications associated with efficiencies after combustion.  These theories and concepts have failed grossly; they are inadequate, out-dated, and ineffective. These fuel systems destroy the engines, the environment, the economy, and our health. It is time for the “solution to the pollution”.

In various laboratory and controlled field tests, the Vonics project technology has been shown to significantly increase fuel mileage and reduce harmful exhaust emissions. The projected financial benefits of lower vehicle maintenance costs and extended engine life will save thousands of dollars in engine repairs and vehicle transportation expenses. 

It is the purpose of the Vonics project to produce the optimum properties and parameters for our fuel delivery systems. In so doing, the resultant combustion efficiencies will at least double fuel mileage and will reduce exhaust emissions and particulates to lowest standards ever, thus minimizing our carbon footprint from internal combustion engines to new records.

These properties and parameters will require the current theories and concepts in gasoline and diesel fuel systems to be replaced by a revolutionary, multiple-fuel, high-fuel-mileage, optimum pollution controlled fuel delivery system.

Vonics technology will offer a practical, affordable, scientific solution to the following: rising fuel cost, America’s reducing Americas’ carbon-foot print, the deteriorating ozone, global warming, dangerous air qualities, dependence on foreign oil, and wars over oil.

Vonics Incorporated will introduce its technology to over-the-road vehicles markets to include the diesel truck market. Market interest in such a technology is expected to intensify immediately upon release. Vonics will continue to develop a fuel delivery system that maintains levels of performance never before achieved with a fuel delivery system. Continued testing of all application of the Vonics technologies will be manifested in test results and supported with detailed scientific documentation.

Legal Business Description

Vonics Inc is structured as a Corporation, with legal location at 1162 W. Center St. Springville Utah, 84663, Vivian Louisiana, Klamath Falls Oregon and Lakeview Oregon. Testing and production sites to be determined.

Vonics Incorporated’s Mission Statements:

Vonics Incorporated mission: is to patent, develop, design, test, manufacture, license and distribute technologies for the internal combustion engines’ fuel delivery systems that greatly reduce exhaust emissions and tremendously enhance the fuel mileage.

Vonics Incorporated has coined the phrase “We have the solution to the pollution”

Vonics Incorporated has the network to deliver its product to the global market.

It’s clear that to preserve the planet for our children and grandchildren, we need to without delay take calculated scientific action to correct the current global terraforming projections.

There is no question whether technological innovation is necessary it is.  The question is; When and by whom and to what degree should policy explicitly focus on and collaborate to motivating such innovation?

Products and Services

The proposed Business Activities plan will encompass five stages:

1.      Gasoline technology certification

2.      Diesel technology certification

3.      Market introduction

4.      Market roll out

5.      Market consolidation

Projected results of the Vonics project “clean air” include but are not limited to:

            A significant reduction of tailpipe emissions

            A comprehensive new “clean air” solution for diesels and gasoline powered engines

            Reduction in fuel consumption and costs

            Lower buildup of carbon and other foreign matter in engines

            Significant reduction in engine war   

            Significant extension of vehicle maintenance cycle

Upon completion of the certification requirements for gasoline and diesel technology stages, the Company will enter the Market Rollout Stage. The Market Rollout is expected to generate a high volume of both national and international markets.


Vonics Project


On March 2, 1859 Jean Joseph Lenoir invents the combustion engine. In 1877 Julius Hock invents first engine that can run off of liquid gasoline. In 1896 Fredrick Lanchester starts putting carburetors on internal combustion engines. This invention was typical on cars until about 1980 when direct injected car became popular. Fuel injection replaced carburetors about 1987. Since 1896 all auto, diesel and marine manufactures have been trying to make great improvements on the wrong concept. Liquid fuel does not burn completely, it never has and it never will.

Motor fuel is obtained from crude oil produced predominantly by the decay of marine organisms. It therefore contains the elements carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O) and nitrogen (N), along with some amounts of sulfur (S), all of which are found in protein. Motor fuel contains hydrocarbons and organic compounds containing nitrogen and sulfur. Much of the hydrocarbon fuel passes through the process unconsumed and is expelled into the atmosphere along with other exhaust fumes. Environmental groups such as 350.org and climate scientists argue that CO2 levels must be lowered to 350 ppm in order to avoid the worst future effects of global warming. The main source of CO in cities is the internal combustion engine, where it is produced by incomplete combustion.

Vonics Incorporated will continue to develop and market fuel delivery systems that will set the standard for levels of performance never before achieved with today’s fuel delivery system. Continued development and testing of all the applications of Vonics Incorporated technologies will be manifested in patents, test results and authenticated with detailed scientific documentation.




The Problem

As a standard design feature, fuel delivery systems have supplied liquid fuel to either fuel injection systems, or with older vehicles, to aspirated carburetion always resulting in incomplete combustion. These are the results of their expert knowledge

The archaic and ineffective advances to fuel delivery systems over the past decades have not varied from the proposition of supplying liquid fuels, inadequate combustion, and engineering modifications associated with efficiencies after combustion.

 All internal combustion engines that use gasoline or diesel fuel still have the basic error that was started in 1896. Now almost all cars that use gasoline or diesel fuels have fuel injection systems.

Currently engineers and car manufacturing companies have tried to solve the problem of unburnt fuel, exhaust gases, and emissions after the combustion. Catalytic converters are installed to collect unburnt fuel, and then convert harmful pollutants into less harmful emissions by re-burning the unburnt fuel before they leave the car's­ exhaust system.

These theories and concepts have failed grossly; they are inadequate, out-dated, and ineffective. These fuel systems destroy the engines, the environment, the economy, and our health. It is time for the “solution to the pollution”. These properties, conditions and parameters will require the current theories and concepts in gasoline and diesel fuel systems to be replaced by a revolutionary, multiple-fuel, ultra-high-fuel-mileage, optimum pollution controlled, fuel delivery system.

These theories and concepts have failed grossly; they are inadequate, out-dated, and ineffective. These fuel systems destroy the engines, the environment, the economy, and our health. It is time for the “solution to the pollution”. These properties, conditions and parameters will require the current theories and concepts in gasoline and diesel fuel systems to be replaced by a revolutionary, multiple-fuel, ultra-high-fuel-mileage, optimum pollution controlled, fuel delivery system.

Liquid fuel does not burn, it never has and it never will and here is the proof.

Significance of the Study

With worldwide fuel consumption rates continuing to increase while engine fuel delivery systems are unable to develop new engineering techniques of meeting the potential shortage of fuel in the near future. The significance of the study will show the maximum combustion efficiency of fuels for internal combustion engine and decreased emissions.


New Research and Development will incorporate engineering techniques to equip internal combustion engines with a fuel delivery system that will meet and/or exceed current levels of Corporate Average Fuel Economy {CAFÉ} standards.


Vonics Inc. will begin the manufacturing and retrofitting of engines for the purpose of establishing performance data as measured for fuel consumption and exhaust gas pollutants. 

Pollutants from internal combustion engine exhaust include:

CO carbon monoxide.  

NOx — oxides of nitrogen.  

HC — hydrocarbons.

C6H6 — Benzene and its derivatives.

 SO2 — sulphur dioxide

 Acid rain also mobilizes toxic aluminum ions.




Photochemical smog

Emissions from car exhaust account for about 60% of ozone

Smog in cities

The Solution:

Use cleaner engines

 Many modern cars are designed to be more fuel-efficient and less pollutant. Less pollutant cars will cost more.  The Vonics Incorporated designs and theories will stop the historic processes of engineering system devices to reduce and control combustion efficiencies after the fact. Exhaust gas sensors are in use to monitor levels of oxygen, which in turn are related to conditions of fuel richness or leanness. The Vonics Incorporated project “clean air” will represent the largest single advance in fuel delivery systems. Government Agencies are considering giving tax credits to make this type of car affordable to purchase. The greater the efficiency of the engines the less environmental damage caused by fuel production, delivery and consumption.

Vonics Incorporated technologies will offer a practical, affordable, scientific solution to the following critical problems: rising fuel cost, America’s increasing demand for foreign oil, dangerous air qualities, global warming, and wars over foreign oil while drastically decreasing the world’s internal combustion engines carbon-foot print and repairing the deteriorating ozone.

We will advocate with other green technologies to reduce the global carbon footprint.


The Technology:

It is Vonics Incorporated’s "clean air" project that will produce the optimum properties and prime parameters for our fuel delivery systems. In so doing, the resultant combustion efficiencies that will double fuel mileage and will reduce exhaust emissions and particulates to lowest standards ever, thus minimizing the carbon footprint from internal combustion engines to new world records. These properties and parameters will require the current theories and concepts in gasoline and diesel fuel systems to be replaced by a revolutionary high-mileage, pollution controlled fuel delivery system.

 Justification This technology will incorporate new techniques to equip a gasoline or diesel internal combustion engine with a fuel delivery system that will exceed current levels of Corporate Average Fuel Economy {CAFÉ} standards by 100%. The Vonics Incorporated technology uses a precise and carefully designed method to produce the prime conditions for the pre-combustion fuel. Safety was the first conditions and factors to be designed in to the system. The second condition was to reduce emissions from the unburnt fuel. The third condition was to double the fuel efficiency to increase m.p.g.  All of Vonics Incorporated technologies will be patented, documented and substantiated with empirical data. The exact design details, formulas and data are “proprietor” and “classified.

Market Environment

While internal combustion engines have many roles and appear in many guises, the application which has the most effect on the urban environment is almost certainly that of transport, particularly private transport.

Analysis The number of vehicles in operation worldwide surpassed the 1 billion-unit mark in 2010 for the first time ever.

With over 70,000,000 new vehicles being manufactured next year there will always be a market for this technology. According to research, which looked at government-reported registrations and historical vehicle-population trends, global registrations jumped from 980 million units in 2009 to 1.015 billion in 2010.

The figures reflect the approximate number of cars, light-, medium- and heavy-duty trucks and buses registered worldwide, but that does not include off-road and heavy-duty vehicles.

The 3.6% rise in vehicle population was the largest percentage increase since 2000, while the 35.6 million year-to-year unit increase was the second-biggest increase in overall volume ever.

The market explosion in China played a major role in overall vehicle population growth in 2010, with registrations jumping 27.5%. Total vehicles, in operation in the country climbed by more than 16.8 million units, to slightly more than 78 million, accounting for nearly half the year’s global increase.

The leap in registrations gave China the world’s second-largest vehicle population, pushing it ahead of Japan, with 73.9 million units, for the first time.

India’s vehicle population underwent the second-largest growth rate, up 8.9% to 20.8 million units, compared with 19.1 million in 2009.

Brazil experienced the second largest volume increase after China, with 2.5 million additional vehicle registrations in 2010

General Market Preview for the Vonics Project “clean air”:

Of the total American fleet presently on the road, 66.4% are passenger cars and 33.6% are commercial vehicles. In recent years, that distinction has change significantly. The change in purchasing habits has been driven by the recent popularity of sport utility and recreation vehicles. The North American fleet is presently classified as “light vehicles”- over 300,000,000 light vehicle units on the road.

Commercial fleets in the U.S. and operate more than 8 million trucks.

Truck owners fall into two categories: for-hire and private fleets.

As an example of heavy particulate oxide emissions the following categories contribute to poor air quality.

Off-highway equipment-diesel           50.3%

Heavy-Duty trucks/buses                    27.2%

Cars and light duty trucks-gasoline    14.6%

Off-highway equipment-gasoline       6.5%

Heavy duty trucks/buses-gasoline       1.4%

Anticipated Market Acceptance

The entire world has been waiting for this technology to be brought forth therefore market acceptance will be eager and overwhelming. With worldwide fuel consumption rates that are continuing to increase and engine designers unable to develop engineering techniques to meet the potential shortage of fuel in the near future. The significance of this technology will show the maximum combustion efficiency of fuels for the internal combustion engine and the significant reduction in exhaust emissions.

Vonics Incorporated technologies will include the following: 70,000,000 new car, new light truck, new light-duty vehicles, new commercial light truck, new stock commercial light truck, new freight truck, new boats new R.V.s, new off road vehicles, new buses, new rail, new shipping vesicles, new military vehicles as well as retro-fitting over 1,000,000,000 existing vehicles. .   Commercial, Industrial ships Marine applications now number over 1,000,000.

Market and production interest in such a technology is expected to intensify immediately upon release.  The projected financial benefits of lower fuel consumption, lower vehicle maintenance costs and extended engine life will save thousands of dollars in engine repairs and vehicle transportation expenses.  

United States Department of Defense, second request for documentation and empirical data.

Federal Government requested a proposal to convert their complete fleet.

Fleet trucking companies, received signed contracts/agreements to start converting retro applications.

Automotive Corporations, engaging negotiations for retrofitting and new market applications

Bus lines, engaging

Locomotive Corporations/ engaging for procurement of engines

International Corporations/ They are waiting to start negotiations on documentation and empirical data.

Commercial Trucking Companies/ They are waiting to start negotiations on documentation and empirical data.

Automotive Corporations, engaging negotiations for new market applications

Military applications.

Anticipated Retail Marketing

 Vonics Incorporated Dealerships will retro-fit existing vehicles. Vonics Incorporated-Dealerships will be the only Dealerships authorized to distribute Vonics Incorporated fuel systems to the public.

Automotive Corporations will most likely engage their own engineering staff immediately and determine the impact associated with their product design and application.

All vehicle manufacturers are facing the mandates of increased fuel efficiency and reduced emissions.

The timing of the release of Vonics Incorporated’s technology will undoubtedly cause the major manufactures, both domestic and foreign to collaborate with Vonics Incorporated’s “Project Clean Air” with upmost priority. 




Market Strategy

Identify product merit to consumers

            Product claims

            Product appeal to customers

            Product visual appeal study

Identify Product Value

            Can the product perform in its desired market?

            Can the product provide a solution to the problem?

            Can the product be produced economically so as to be able to be affordable to the consumers?

Marketing outline

1.      Product Research  and Development

1.      Is the product protected?

2.      Is the product fully developed?

3.      Does the product surpass all requirements for “new apparatus”?

4.      Are the benefits of the product obvious?

5.      Is the product reasonable priced?

6.      AIs the product easy to distribute?

7.      Is the product unique?

8.      Does the product have value of at least 3 times the manufactured costs?


2.      Placing into Motion Production  and Distribution

1.      Is the product protected? Patents, Trademarks, Service mark, Copyrights for American and International Markets? (World Patents, Trademarks, Service mark, Copyrights). China?

2.      Is the product fully developed? Vonics Incorporated Analysis’s Team (inventor, engineers, marketers, and financial advisors) will evaluate the technologies fully and completely. Vonics Incorporated Analysis’s Team will provide complete scientific documentation of the following, the six GHGs covered by the Kyoto protocol are: 

1.      Carbon dioxide (CO2)

2.      Methane (CH4)

3.      Nitrous oxide (N2O)

4.      Hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs)

5.      Per fluorocarbons (PFCs)

6.      Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)3.

3.       Does the product surpass all requirements for “new apparatus”?

1.      Have all the Safety requirements been satisfied and has the apparatus surpassed all standards, procedures, certifications, tests and documentations.

4.      How does the product perform as stated? What are the emissions, what are the efficiency levels? How long will it last?

5.      What is the value of the product? What are the savings for 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years and 25 years?

6.      Can we get the product to the public? Yes, as soon as they want it, no!  We will not be able to keep up with the demand for the product. If we control only 10% of the market we will be busy for many years. We may have to allow a” limited patent use to get the technology available to more people. Plus we have the military applications which will be our long term contracts.

7.      Is the product unique? Yes and the demands for it are also unique. We will not have any competition when we first release the fuel system to the public. 

8.      Does the product have value of at least 3 times the manufactured costs? Yes it is designed to last 25 years. With the price of gas 11/24/2019 about $3.21 per gal., driving 15,000 miles per year. The product will pay for itself in 2.2 years; the remaining 23 years are saving returned to the costumer. Our fuel system will save the costumer approximately $1,605 per year, times that by 23 years and we have saved the costumer $40,125.00 dollars over the life of the fuel system! With the price of diesel 12-6-12 $3.43 per gal., An O.T.R. driving 120,000 mile per year. The “over the road driver” will save @ 24,000.00 dollars per year. The product will pay for itself in 2.0833 years; the remaining 22.9176  years will save the operator over $550,000.00 U.S.D.in the life of the fuel system!

Accredited Personnel




Consultant and specialist will be acquired as needed.



Management and Ownership




President/CEO/ Lead Scientist

Address 1:

958 South G Street

City, State, Zip:

Lakeview Oregon.97630







Address 1:

902 E. 800 S.

City, State, Zip:









Address 1:

1162 W. CENTER ST.

City, State, Zip:








Address 1:

1162 W. CENTER ST.

City, State, Zip:


Title:                             Executive Secretary To Avear Glen Leavitt


Address 1:                  


City, State, Zip:        


Financial Statements and Projections     -insert pro-forma-

Facility and Operations

The primary site for business office is in Springville Utah. Klamath Falls Oregon and Lakeview Oregon this is where the final testing, documentation and certification will take place This location will have space available for expansion. The first stage of production will require 200,000 sq. Ft.; the second stage will have 400,000 sq. Ft. And the third stage will require 600.000 sq. Ft. The Department of Defense, Department of Energy have expressed grant support.

All codes current.




We will provide strategic designs that are fast, flexible, and efficient manufacturing processes that connect supply chain to factory processes, production equipment, and production systems in a seamless, customer-centric network.  Areas of focus will include: Network configuration, Capital productivity, Make or buy strategies. We will design our plant networks to help improve our return on invested capital (ROIC) through reduced cost, increased efficiency, and enhanced growth opportunities. Purchasing is often the most significant and easily instituted source of immediate and long-term value creation available to a corporation.


Sources of Supply

All of our venders and suppliers are National Corporations and ISO 9000 certified. We will overcome typical supply chain challenges, how to cope with demand and supply uncertainty, how to build and optimize the supply chain organization, and which supply chain planning and control strategies to employ. We will optimize the complete system with both lean production and planning approaches. Viewing market and customer service level requirements as a key driver of supply chain design, we work with marketing and sales, distribution channels, and pricing strategies.



Capitol Requested

$3,000,000,000.00 U.S.D.

c.s. Department of Defense

c.s. Department of Energy




































 Vonics Incorporated

Vonics Incorporated Business Plan



Avear Glen Leavitt








Executive Summary

Legal Business Description

Mission Statement

Products & Services

Vonics Project

The Technology

Market Environment

Anticipated Market Acceptance

Anticipated Retail Marketing

Marketing and Sales Strategy

Accredited Personnel

Management and Ownership

Capitol Requested

Financial Statements and Projections

Facility and Operations

Sources of Supply


The company’s mission is to design, develop, test, manufacture, license and distribute technologies of fuel delivery systems that utterly reduce exhaust emissions and greatly enhance the fuel mileage of internal combustion engines.  Our technology works in concert with all the green technologies already developed.

With market rollout, the Vonics project will demonstrate fuel mileage improvements to exceed 200% efficiencies. The Vonics project will represent the largest single advance in fuel delivery systems since the introduction of fuel injection.

As a standard design feature, fuel delivery systems have supplied liquid fuel and system/ambient temperature to either fuel injection systems, or with older vehicles, to aspirated carburetion. The Vonics design was to stop the historic process of engineering system devices to reduce and control combustion efficiencies after the fact. Exhaust gas sensors are in use to monitor levels of oxygen, which in turn are related to conditions of fuel richness or leanness.

On March 2, 1859 Jean Joseph Lenoir invents the combustion engine. In 1877 Julius Hock invents first engine that can run off of liquid gasoline. In 1896 Fredrick Lanchester starts putting carburetors on internal combustion engines. This invention was typical on cars until about 1980 when direct injected car became popular. Fuel injection replaced carburetors about 1987.

Now almost all cars that use gasoline or diesel fuels have fuel injection systems. All internal combustion engines that use gasoline or diesel fuel still have the basic error that was started in 1896, liquid fuel does not burn, it never has and it never will!

Currently engineers and car manufacturing companies have tried to solve the problem of unburnt fuel, exhaust gases, and emissions after the combustion. Catalytic converters are installed to collect unburnt fuel, and then convert harmful pollutants into less harmful emissions by re-burning the unburnt fuel before they leave the car's­ exhaust system.

The archaic and ineffective advances to fuel delivery systems over the past decades have not varied from the proposition of supplying liquid fuels, inadequate combustion, and engineering modifications associated with efficiencies after combustion.  These theories and concepts have failed grossly; they are inadequate, out-dated, and ineffective. These fuel systems destroy the engines, the environment, the economy, and our health. It is time for the “solution to the pollution”.

In various laboratory and controlled field tests, the Vonics project technology has been shown to significantly increase fuel mileage and reduce harmful exhaust emissions. The projected financial benefits of lower vehicle maintenance costs and extended engine life will save thousands of dollars in engine repairs and vehicle transportation expenses. 

It is the purpose of the Vonics project to produce the optimum properties and parameters for our fuel delivery systems. In so doing, the resultant combustion efficiencies will at least double fuel mileage and will reduce exhaust emissions and particulates to lowest standards ever, thus minimizing our carbon footprint from internal combustion engines to new records.

These properties and parameters will require the current theories and concepts in gasoline and diesel fuel systems to be replaced by a revolutionary, multiple-fuel, high-fuel-mileage, optimum pollution controlled fuel delivery system.

Vonics technology will offer a practical, affordable, scientific solution to the following: rising fuel cost, America’s reducing Americas’ carbon-foot print, the deteriorating ozone, global warming, dangerous air qualities, dependence on foreign oil, and wars over oil.

Vonics Incorporated will introduce its technology to over-the-road vehicles markets to include the diesel truck market. Market interest in such a technology is expected to intensify immediately upon release. Vonics will continue to develop a fuel delivery system that maintains levels of performance never before achieved with a fuel delivery system. Continued testing of all application of the Vonics technologies will be manifested in test results and supported with detailed scientific documentation.

Legal Business Description

Vonics Inc is structured as a Corporation, with legal location at 1162 W. Center St. Springville Utah, 84663, Vivian Louisiana, Klamath Falls Oregon and Lakeview Oregon. Testing and production sites to be determined.

Vonics Incorporated’s Mission Statements:

Vonics Incorporated mission: is to patent, develop, design, test, manufacture, license and distribute technologies for the internal combustion engines’ fuel delivery systems that greatly reduce exhaust emissions and tremendously enhance the fuel mileage.

Vonics Incorporated has coined the phrase “We have the solution to the pollution”

Vonics Incorporated has the network to deliver its product to the global market.

It’s clear that to preserve the planet for our children and grandchildren, we need to without delay take calculated scientific action to correct the current global terraforming projections.

There is no question whether technological innovation is necessary it is.  The question is; When and by whom and to what degree should policy explicitly focus on and collaborate to motivating such innovation?

Products and Services

The proposed Business Activities plan will encompass five stages:

1.      Gasoline technology certification

2.      Diesel technology certification

3.      Market introduction

4.      Market roll out

5.      Market consolidation

Projected results of the Vonics project “clean air” include but are not limited to:

            A significant reduction of tailpipe emissions

            A comprehensive new “clean air” solution for diesels and gasoline powered engines

            Reduction in fuel consumption and costs

            Lower buildup of carbon and other foreign matter in engines

            Significant reduction in engine war   

            Significant extension of vehicle maintenance cycle

Upon completion of the certification requirements for gasoline and diesel technology stages, the Company will enter the Market Rollout Stage. The Market Rollout is expected to generate a high volume of both national and international markets.


Vonics Project


On March 2, 1859 Jean Joseph Lenoir invents the combustion engine. In 1877 Julius Hock invents first engine that can run off of liquid gasoline. In 1896 Fredrick Lanchester starts putting carburetors on internal combustion engines. This invention was typical on cars until about 1980 when direct injected car became popular. Fuel injection replaced carburetors about 1987. Since 1896 all auto, diesel and marine manufactures have been trying to make great improvements on the wrong concept. Liquid fuel does not burn completely, it never has and it never will.

Motor fuel is obtained from crude oil produced predominantly by the decay of marine organisms. It therefore contains the elements carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O) and nitrogen (N), along with some amounts of sulfur (S), all of which are found in protein. Motor fuel contains hydrocarbons and organic compounds containing nitrogen and sulfur. Much of the hydrocarbon fuel passes through the process unconsumed and is expelled into the atmosphere along with other exhaust fumes. Environmental groups such as 350.org and climate scientists argue that CO2 levels must be lowered to 350 ppm in order to avoid the worst future effects of global warming. The main source of CO in cities is the internal combustion engine, where it is produced by incomplete combustion.

Vonics Incorporated will continue to develop and market fuel delivery systems that will set the standard for levels of performance never before achieved with today’s fuel delivery system. Continued development and testing of all the applications of Vonics Incorporated technologies will be manifested in patents, test results and authenticated with detailed scientific documentation.




The Problem

As a standard design feature, fuel delivery systems have supplied liquid fuel to either fuel injection systems, or with older vehicles, to aspirated carburetion always resulting in incomplete combustion. These are the results of their expert knowledge

The archaic and ineffective advances to fuel delivery systems over the past decades have not varied from the proposition of supplying liquid fuels, inadequate combustion, and engineering modifications associated with efficiencies after combustion.

 All internal combustion engines that use gasoline or diesel fuel still have the basic error that was started in 1896. Now almost all cars that use gasoline or diesel fuels have fuel injection systems.

Currently engineers and car manufacturing companies have tried to solve the problem of unburnt fuel, exhaust gases, and emissions after the combustion. Catalytic converters are installed to collect unburnt fuel, and then convert harmful pollutants into less harmful emissions by re-burning the unburnt fuel before they leave the car's­ exhaust system.

These theories and concepts have failed grossly; they are inadequate, out-dated, and ineffective. These fuel systems destroy the engines, the environment, the economy, and our health. It is time for the “solution to the pollution”. These properties, conditions and parameters will require the current theories and concepts in gasoline and diesel fuel systems to be replaced by a revolutionary, multiple-fuel, ultra-high-fuel-mileage, optimum pollution controlled, fuel delivery system.

These theories and concepts have failed grossly; they are inadequate, out-dated, and ineffective. These fuel systems destroy the engines, the environment, the economy, and our health. It is time for the “solution to the pollution”. These properties, conditions and parameters will require the current theories and concepts in gasoline and diesel fuel systems to be replaced by a revolutionary, multiple-fuel, ultra-high-fuel-mileage, optimum pollution controlled, fuel delivery system.

Liquid fuel does not burn, it never has and it never will and here is the proof.

Significance of the Study

With worldwide fuel consumption rates continuing to increase while engine fuel delivery systems are unable to develop new engineering techniques of meeting the potential shortage of fuel in the near future. The significance of the study will show the maximum combustion efficiency of fuels for internal combustion engine and decreased emissions.


New Research and Development will incorporate engineering techniques to equip internal combustion engines with a fuel delivery system that will meet and/or exceed current levels of Corporate Average Fuel Economy {CAFÉ} standards.


Vonics Inc. will begin the manufacturing and retrofitting of engines for the purpose of establishing performance data as measured for fuel consumption and exhaust gas pollutants. 

Pollutants from internal combustion engine exhaust include:

CO carbon monoxide.  

NOx — oxides of nitrogen.  

HC — hydrocarbons.

C6H6 — Benzene and its derivatives.

 SO2 — sulphur dioxide

 Acid rain also mobilizes toxic aluminum ions.




Photochemical smog

Emissions from car exhaust account for about 60% of ozone

Smog in cities

The Solution:

Use cleaner engines

 Many modern cars are designed to be more fuel-efficient and less pollutant. Less pollutant cars will cost more.  The Vonics Incorporated designs and theories will stop the historic processes of engineering system devices to reduce and control combustion efficiencies after the fact. Exhaust gas sensors are in use to monitor levels of oxygen, which in turn are related to conditions of fuel richness or leanness. The Vonics Incorporated project “clean air” will represent the largest single advance in fuel delivery systems. Government Agencies are considering giving tax credits to make this type of car affordable to purchase. The greater the efficiency of the engines the less environmental damage caused by fuel production, delivery and consumption.

Vonics Incorporated technologies will offer a practical, affordable, scientific solution to the following critical problems: rising fuel cost, America’s increasing demand for foreign oil, dangerous air qualities, global warming, and wars over foreign oil while drastically decreasing the world’s internal combustion engines carbon-foot print and repairing the deteriorating ozone.

We will advocate with other green technologies to reduce the global carbon footprint.


The Technology:

It is Vonics Incorporated’s "clean air" project that will produce the optimum properties and prime parameters for our fuel delivery systems. In so doing, the resultant combustion efficiencies that will double fuel mileage and will reduce exhaust emissions and particulates to lowest standards ever, thus minimizing the carbon footprint from internal combustion engines to new world records. These properties and parameters will require the current theories and concepts in gasoline and diesel fuel systems to be replaced by a revolutionary high-mileage, pollution controlled fuel delivery system.

 Justification This technology will incorporate new techniques to equip a gasoline or diesel internal combustion engine with a fuel delivery system that will exceed current levels of Corporate Average Fuel Economy {CAFÉ} standards by 100%. The Vonics Incorporated technology uses a precise and carefully designed method to produce the prime conditions for the pre-combustion fuel. Safety was the first conditions and factors to be designed in to the system. The second condition was to reduce emissions from the unburnt fuel. The third condition was to double the fuel efficiency to increase m.p.g.  All of Vonics Incorporated technologies will be patented, documented and substantiated with empirical data. The exact design details, formulas and data are “proprietor” and “classified.

Market Environment

While internal combustion engines have many roles and appear in many guises, the application which has the most effect on the urban environment is almost certainly that of transport, particularly private transport.

Analysis The number of vehicles in operation worldwide surpassed the 1 billion-unit mark in 2010 for the first time ever.

With over 70,000,000 new vehicles being manufactured next year there will always be a market for this technology. According to research, which looked at government-reported registrations and historical vehicle-population trends, global registrations jumped from 980 million units in 2009 to 1.015 billion in 2010.

The figures reflect the approximate number of cars, light-, medium- and heavy-duty trucks and buses registered worldwide, but that does not include off-road and heavy-duty vehicles.

The 3.6% rise in vehicle population was the largest percentage increase since 2000, while the 35.6 million year-to-year unit increase was the second-biggest increase in overall volume ever.

The market explosion in China played a major role in overall vehicle population growth in 2010, with registrations jumping 27.5%. Total vehicles, in operation in the country climbed by more than 16.8 million units, to slightly more than 78 million, accounting for nearly half the year’s global increase.

The leap in registrations gave China the world’s second-largest vehicle population, pushing it ahead of Japan, with 73.9 million units, for the first time.

India’s vehicle population underwent the second-largest growth rate, up 8.9% to 20.8 million units, compared with 19.1 million in 2009.

Brazil experienced the second largest volume increase after China, with 2.5 million additional vehicle registrations in 2010

General Market Preview for the Vonics Project “clean air”:

Of the total American fleet presently on the road, 66.4% are passenger cars and 33.6% are commercial vehicles. In recent years, that distinction has change significantly. The change in purchasing habits has been driven by the recent popularity of sport utility and recreation vehicles. The North American fleet is presently classified as “light vehicles”- over 300,000,000 light vehicle units on the road.

Commercial fleets in the U.S. and operate more than 8 million trucks.

Truck owners fall into two categories: for-hire and private fleets.

As an example of heavy particulate oxide emissions the following categories contribute to poor air quality.

Off-highway equipment-diesel           50.3%

Heavy-Duty trucks/buses                    27.2%

Cars and light duty trucks-gasoline    14.6%

Off-highway equipment-gasoline       6.5%

Heavy duty trucks/buses-gasoline       1.4%

Anticipated Market Acceptance

The entire world has been waiting for this technology to be brought forth therefore market acceptance will be eager and overwhelming. With worldwide fuel consumption rates that are continuing to increase and engine designers unable to develop engineering techniques to meet the potential shortage of fuel in the near future. The significance of this technology will show the maximum combustion efficiency of fuels for the internal combustion engine and the significant reduction in exhaust emissions.

Vonics Incorporated technologies will include the following: 70,000,000 new car, new light truck, new light-duty vehicles, new commercial light truck, new stock commercial light truck, new freight truck, new boats new R.V.s, new off road vehicles, new buses, new rail, new shipping vesicles, new military vehicles as well as retro-fitting over 1,000,000,000 existing vehicles. .   Commercial, Industrial ships Marine applications now number over 1,000,000.

Market and production interest in such a technology is expected to intensify immediately upon release.  The projected financial benefits of lower fuel consumption, lower vehicle maintenance costs and extended engine life will save thousands of dollars in engine repairs and vehicle transportation expenses.  

United States Department of Defense, second request for documentation and empirical data.

Federal Government requested a proposal to convert their complete fleet.

Fleet trucking companies, received signed contracts/agreements to start converting retro applications.

Automotive Corporations, engaging negotiations for retrofitting and new market applications

Bus lines, engaging

Locomotive Corporations/ engaging for procurement of engines

International Corporations/ They are waiting to start negotiations on documentation and empirical data.

Commercial Trucking Companies/ They are waiting to start negotiations on documentation and empirical data.

Automotive Corporations, engaging negotiations for new market applications

Military applications.

Anticipated Retail Marketing

 Vonics Incorporated Dealerships will retro-fit existing vehicles. Vonics Incorporated-Dealerships will be the only Dealerships authorized to distribute Vonics Incorporated fuel systems to the public.

Automotive Corporations will most likely engage their own engineering staff immediately and determine the impact associated with their product design and application.

All vehicle manufacturers are facing the mandates of increased fuel efficiency and reduced emissions.

The timing of the release of Vonics Incorporated’s technology will undoubtedly cause the major manufactures, both domestic and foreign to collaborate with Vonics Incorporated’s “Project Clean Air” with upmost priority. 




Market Strategy

Identify product merit to consumers

            Product claims

            Product appeal to customers

            Product visual appeal study

Identify Product Value

            Can the product perform in its desired market?

            Can the product provide a solution to the problem?

            Can the product be produced economically so as to be able to be affordable to the consumers?

Marketing outline

1.      Product Research  and Development

1.      Is the product protected?

2.      Is the product fully developed?

3.      Does the product surpass all requirements for “new apparatus”?

4.      Are the benefits of the product obvious?

5.      Is the product reasonable priced?

6.      AIs the product easy to distribute?

7.      Is the product unique?

8.      Does the product have value of at least 3 times the manufactured costs?


2.      Placing into Motion Production  and Distribution

1.      Is the product protected? Patents, Trademarks, Service mark, Copyrights for American and International Markets? (World Patents, Trademarks, Service mark, Copyrights). China?

2.      Is the product fully developed? Vonics Incorporated Analysis’s Team (inventor, engineers, marketers, and financial advisors) will evaluate the technologies fully and completely. Vonics Incorporated Analysis’s Team will provide complete scientific documentation of the following, the six GHGs covered by the Kyoto protocol are: 

1.      Carbon dioxide (CO2)

2.      Methane (CH4)

3.      Nitrous oxide (N2O)

4.      Hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs)

5.      Per fluorocarbons (PFCs)

6.      Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)3.

3.       Does the product surpass all requirements for “new apparatus”?

1.      Have all the Safety requirements been satisfied and has the apparatus surpassed all standards, procedures, certifications, tests and documentations.

4.      How does the product perform as stated? What are the emissions, what are the efficiency levels? How long will it last?

5.      What is the value of the product? What are the savings for 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years and 25 years?

6.      Can we get the product to the public? Yes, as soon as they want it, no!  We will not be able to keep up with the demand for the product. If we control only 10% of the market we will be busy for many years. We may have to allow a” limited patent use to get the technology available to more people. Plus we have the military applications which will be our long term contracts.

7.      Is the product unique? Yes and the demands for it are also unique. We will not have any competition when we first release the fuel system to the public. 

8.      Does the product have value of at least 3 times the manufactured costs? Yes it is designed to last 25 years. With the price of gas 11/24/2019 about $3.21 per gal., driving 15,000 miles per year. The product will pay for itself in 2.2 years; the remaining 23 years are saving returned to the costumer. Our fuel system will save the costumer approximately $1,605 per year, times that by 23 years and we have saved the costumer $40,125.00 dollars over the life of the fuel system! With the price of diesel 12-6-12 $3.43 per gal., An O.T.R. driving 120,000 mile per year. The “over the road driver” will save @ 24,000.00 dollars per year. The product will pay for itself in 2.0833 years; the remaining 22.9176  years will save the operator over $550,000.00 U.S.D.in the life of the fuel system!

Accredited Personnel




Consultant and specialist will be acquired as needed.



Management and Ownership




President/CEO/ Lead Scientist

Address 1:

958 South G Street

City, State, Zip:

Lakeview Oregon.97630







Address 1:

902 E. 800 S.

City, State, Zip:









Address 1:

1162 W. CENTER ST.

City, State, Zip:








Address 1:

1162 W. CENTER ST.

City, State, Zip:


Title:                             Executive Secretary To Avear Glen Leavitt


Address 1:                  


City, State, Zip:        


Financial Statements and Projections     -insert pro-forma-

Facility and Operations

The primary site for business office is in Springville Utah. Klamath Falls Oregon and Lakeview Oregon this is where the final testing, documentation and certification will take place This location will have space available for expansion. The first stage of production will require 200,000 sq. Ft.; the second stage will have 400,000 sq. Ft. And the third stage will require 600.000 sq. Ft. The Department of Defense, Department of Energy have expressed grant support.

All codes current.




We will provide strategic designs that are fast, flexible, and efficient manufacturing processes that connect supply chain to factory processes, production equipment, and production systems in a seamless, customer-centric network.  Areas of focus will include: Network configuration, Capital productivity, Make or buy strategies. We will design our plant networks to help improve our return on invested capital (ROIC) through reduced cost, increased efficiency, and enhanced growth opportunities. Purchasing is often the most significant and easily instituted source of immediate and long-term value creation available to a corporation.


Sources of Supply

All of our venders and suppliers are National Corporations and ISO 9000 certified. We will overcome typical supply chain challenges, how to cope with demand and supply uncertainty, how to build and optimize the supply chain organization, and which supply chain planning and control strategies to employ. We will optimize the complete system with both lean production and planning approaches. Viewing market and customer service level requirements as a key driver of supply chain design, we work with marketing and sales, distribution channels, and pricing strategies.



Capitol Requested

$3,000,000,000.00 U.S.D.

c.s. Department of Defense

c.s. Department of Energy